Saturday, June 6, 2009

Where Am I Giveaway Update

This picture was taken on Jim's hike today. They were having a special hike in the area today to raise money for the local food bank. So if you made a food or monetary donation you got to hike all the way up to this moneument which is still in the sculpting phase. Normally you can only go part of the way up and look at it from a distance. You were not allowed to take pets on the hike so Beau and I had to be content to look at it from afar. And we didn't even get to do that because it was very foggy out and you couldn't see it. Maybe on another day we will get to see it. The sun is starting to finally come out here so I hope that the days to come will have better weather. And I sure hope that includes a warming trend too.
I hope we have good weather when we go to see the other mountain carving in this area too.


  1. It is Crazy Horse Monument, which means you are in (drumroll, please) BLACK HILLS, SOUTH DAKOTA!!!

  2. you got it. Email me your address and I'll send it to you. Congrats.

  3. South Dakota? Man, that Beau really gets around :)
